Monday, October 11, 2010


A few days later, we managed a getaway, although the wind was strong until we cleared the island by one mile. Then of course, it died again! We motor-sailed to Pythagorian, named after the bloke with the triangles. Actually, it was quite a good place to dedicate to him, As they built water channel under the mountain 1km long, to provide water to the town when it was under siege. This was done about 600BC, and they started from both ends, and managed to meet in the middle. A later reconstruction of the method reckoned that they must have used massive right angle triangles in the surveying. How they factored in changes of direction in the tunnel due to geology, who knows! The photo is of the narrow part, about 10m or so, the rest was 1.8m square (6 feet in old money!). There was also a museum there, excellent and free.

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