Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kusadasi - The Second Time

Back to Kusadasi, where we met up with Paul and Sylvia, who were there for only one day on a cruise. Another visit to Ephesus was both necessary and very enjoyable. We also braved the shopping area, were we dutifully haggled and bought many things we never knew we needed, and some Turkish delight, which we knew we did!

The two carved figures shown here are Medusa in a temple, and the fragment is of Nike, who contrary to popular belief is not a goddess of trainers, but of competition.

Bringing things up-to-date we are now South of the Samos straits in a bay called Talianaki, which is a small inlet in the larger bay of Kuruerik. We spent one night at an anchorage called St Paul's which was were the saint allowed his oarsmen to take a rest, from the rigours of rowing against the meltemi. As we know of only one "St Pauls Bay" we gather that they didn't get much rest!

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