Sunday, December 6, 2009


Cadiz, now you’re talking….we likened it to Venice (minus the gondolas and waterways) as it was a maze of narrow cobbled streets and tall buildings, many of which were merchant houses and as seen in some of the photos. The layout of a typical merchant house was ground floor for entry and courtyard, first floor mezzanine with lower ceilings for work and higher floors above were for living and finally the tower on the top to watch ‘your’ ships coming home. Cadiz had 160 towers at one point and a restriction was placed on building new ones! (only 126 remain).

The Cathedral took from 1722 to 1853 to complete, so any building delays you might have suffered are minor in comparison. Buildings around the cathedral were demolished so as not to detract from the impression of size and space. Near the Cathedral we discovered a Roman Theatre which was equally impressive in a different way.

The market was in a temporary building, but its content was superb. We shopped there as often as we could, the only drawback being the 25 min walk back to Lusty Wench.

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