Sunday, October 26, 2008

...we beat Richard Branson......!

....put it like this, we didn't exactly beat him, we just arrived fifty yards infront with more than a little wind up our be perfectly honest, our maiden sail to Canada was a walk in the park compared to this one.....!

We left Yankee Point Marina a week last Friday having been advised by 'Herb' that the best time to make the passage was to leave on Monday so we (Herb is a radio 'guru' who gives out individual weather advice to people like us) thought getting as close to the mouth of Chesapeake Bay would give us the advantage.....true but that's were all the fun started.....a euphemism for aaaahhhh!!!!

Monday was calm....we even complained about lack of wind......not something that Tim usually suffers from.....toward the early evening things started to pick up and that was the last time until early Saturday morning that we slept anywhere other than in the cockpit of the kidding

300 miles out we picked up a passenger. Not too sure which breed. It stayed with us 3 days, and headed to shore in Bermuda. It was very good at crumbs and defecation!

Not being an alarmist I will cut to the chase so as not to turn myself into a gibbering wreck by reliving blow by blow the full horror of the situation....suffice to say if you've read the papers re Sir Richard Bransons' failed attempt to cross the Atlantic then it was all true......winds up 35 knots and never below 17 knots, making it a gale force nine and sea swells of 40ft with full on rain obviously obscuring my already limited vision......which with hind sight was a blessing....!

Will add details tomorrow with some non scary photos cos I've already broken out in a cold sweat writing this much....

Gibbering wreck and Oh My God....aka Witter and Whinge

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More More We want to know more!!!!!! Are you Mr. And Mrs. yet?